“The vesica pisces is an ancient symbol showing the intersection of the ordinary world with the extraordinary worlds. Our work studies this inspired arena of consciousness.”
MISSION: To Give Spirituality and Consciousness Vital Roles in Mental Healthcare.
Emma Bragdon, PhD
Director of Spiritual Alliances, LLC and The Foundation for Energy Therapies, Inc.
Founder/ Executive Director of “Integrative Mental Health University”
To go to Emma Bragdon’s site click here.
To go to Integrative Mental Health University click here.
Emma Bragdon, PhD., was licensed as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in California in 1988. Since then she has been in private practice, publishing books, and teaching.
In 1985 she was asked to organize an invited conference at Esalen Institute to define “Spiritual Emergency” and articulate the best ways to support people in this psycho-spiritual crisis. When appropriately supported people in this crisis emerge with greater wellbeing, deeper peace and life satisfaction, and a desire to be in service to others. Thus, Spiritual Emergency has also been named a “transformational” or “evolutionary crisis”, not to be confused with mental illness. Dr. Bragdon has specialized in supporting people in these crises and teaching Spiritual Emergence Coaches® who can also be supportive.
Those invited to the conference were psychiatrists, psychologists, spiritual leaders, life-experiencers, and a renowned psychic. The conference was so successful Emma was invited to host a second conference in the same year. The results of both conferences were summarized in her book, A Sourcebook for Helping People in Spiritual Emergency (1988). This was one of the first books ever published on this theme and it is still being used to teach graduate school students around the world. The second edition has been renamed A Sourcebook for Helping People with Spiritual Problems to describe a category of experience named “Spiritual or Religious Problem” in the DSM-IV and V, that is not an indicator of pathology.
From 1991-2002 Dr. Bragdon also taught a 9-day intensive personal development course. She was invited to Brazil in 2001 to support new teachers of this course who were learning the ropes. During this visit in Brazil she also visited spiritual healing centers and became deeply inspired by Spiritist Community Centers and Psychiatric Hospitals run on Spiritist principles. She recognized that the spiritual healing provided in these hospitals and centers was a highly effective improvement to the paradigm of Integrative Mental Health. She wrote three books and co-produced two documentary film about what she had learned in many visits to Brazil from 2001-2012. Spiritist leaders in Brazil recognize her profound understanding and given her the role of “Ambassador” of one of the largest Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil, Hospital Euripedes Barsanulfo.
Spiritism is a social movement and a philosophy that 20-40 million Brazilians participate in when they want to approach their physical or psychological issues from a spiritual point of view to expand the potential for healing. Spiritism is a path of healing and spiritual evolution that is ecumenical, welcoming everyone interested in spiritual growth. It provides a safe and powerful path of spiritual emergence. Spiritists also recognize spiritual emergency and for more than 100 years have developed effective ways of supporting people in such crises and harnessing the positive energy that can create positive transformation.
In January, 2008, Dr Bragdon founded “The Foundation for Energy Therapies, Inc.”, a not-for-profit charitable foundation in the USA recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3. Its mission is research and education about the positive potentials of spiritual healing and energy medicine. Towards this goal, FET collaborates with hospitals and community centers in Brazil. One example: the Foundation offers tours for health professionals and ministers who want to experience Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals where spiritual healers, medical intuitives, nurses, psychologists, and physicians work as a team to benefit patients. It has been transformative for students to see this paradigm in action and speak with practitioners about how it works.
Dr. Bragdon has published seven books and two documentary films. Her work has been generously supported by grants from many individuals and foundations.
More Personally:
Dr. Bragdon enjoys kayaking, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, skiing, writing and singing. Family and friends are of great importance to her. She lives in Vermont. Her spiritual evolution began with Buddhism. At a young age she met Graf Karlfried von Durkheim, Philip Kapleau, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, and Sogyal Rinpoche. The Dalai Lama and Paramahansa Yogananda have been models for her. She is currently a member of the Self Realization Fellowship. Her father, Joseph Bragdon, was an MD, pathologist, professor at Harvard Medical School, editor of a medical journal and researcher. Her mother, Marjorie Bragdon, was a visiting nurse. Through them she learned the joy of being of service to others.
The Foundation for Energy Therapies, Inc.
Clip from “Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health”. This 30 minute documentary explores Spiritist healing practices in Brazil. It can be viewed in its entirety on Vimeo or purchased at Amazon.com
Would you like to partner with us in fulfilling the initiatives of the Foundation? We welcome your interest.
Please contact us. [email protected]
For further information on the Foundation visit IMHU.org
Although our interest includes many forms of Energy Medicine from many cultures, we are currently focused on Brazil, as there has been a lot of success reported there about Spiritist therapies anecdotally, but little clinical research has been done. We therefore see a need for research, and have established relationships with health professionals in Brazil to collaborate on studies.
- FET is currently doing business as “Integrative Mental Health University”. We offer 40+ programs; most of them occur online.
- One seminar at IMHU is specifically for health professionals and graduate school students who want to learn more about the model of care offered at Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and Community Centers in Brazil. We feel these models of complementary care may help our ailing health care system, invigorating it with proven ways to align conventional care with effective spiritual healing. These models can also enhance educational programs aimed at studying integrative medicine.
- IMHU plans to continue producing courses, films, books, and audio-visual presentations to further educate the public about the effectiveness of energy medicine within the paradigm on Integrative Mental Health.
- Our newsletter gives current information about these initiatives. Sign up to receive the newsletter by clicking the button below.
Lightening Up Press (LUP)
Books & DVD’s
For book synopsis and details go to https://imhu.org/store/
LUP’s sole initial purpose was to fulfill orders for Emma Bragdon’s first book, A Sourcebook for Helping People in Spiritual Emergency (1988), now titled A Sourcebook for Helping People with Spiritual Problems.
Since that time, the imprint “Lightening Up Press” has been used to publish and distribute the updated editions of the Sourcebook and four other books written by Emma Bragdon.
We are currently not soliciting any other books for publication.
See https://imhu.org/store for more information on each of Bragdon’s publications.
Spiritual Alliances, LLC, is the copyright holder for the two 30-minute documentary films.
Click on titles below for more information on each of Bragdon’s books and DVDs:
Published in 2004.
ISBN: 0-9620960-5-9
(2006) In English with options for subtitles in Portuguese, German and French. This is no longer in distribution. ISBN: 0-9620960-6-7
Began distribution in 2006 with new resources and referrals to assist those in spiritual crises.
ISBN: 0-9620960-1-6
Current Project
For Health Professionals:
Visit Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and Community Centers in Brazil with Emma Bragdon, PhD.
“The trip was transformative for me both personally and professionally.”
~ A 2011 Participant
* * *
“I arrived in Brazil a physician full of questions armed with experiences in integrative medicine, but was a novice with the spiritual aspect of healing. My two weeks with Emma Bragdon, PhD immersed in Spiritism… have changed my spiritual paradigm, and shown me the path from physician to healer. The personal shift is undeniable – the outward expression of this shifting unfathomable.”
~ Shawn Tassone, MD, PhD (c), and author of “Spiritual Pregnancy”.
This is a unique and exciting trip for health professionals—no one else offers it to English speakers. It reveals the practical working of Spiritist treatments inside Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and Community Centers in Brazil. Spiritist psychiatrists, healers and mediums share their way of working with psychiatric patients. Participants experience the work first-hand, if they wish. Emma Bragdon shares more of her experiences and facilitates discussion about bringing this paradigm of care to the USA and other countries outside Brazil.
You can rent a DVD that describes Spiritism in more depth–revealing a Spiritist Psychiatric Hospital and a Community Center in USA. Click here for details.
The Foundation for Energy Therapies, Inc., is currently doing business as Integrative Mental Health University (IMHU). IMHU offers courses, presentations, an international directory of Spiritual Emergence Coaches®, and a blog encouraging people to learn more about integrative mental health and transformations within psychiatry that include responsible use of psychedelics. Go to IMHU.org for more information.
To read the latest news on all our projects sign up for our newsletter below.
Connect with the Directory of Spiritual Emergence Coaches®
IMMH: Integrative Medicine for Mental Health
(MMH supports a whole-body approach to mental health disorders, utilizing multiple fields of medicine and nutritional sciences.
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
A non-profit interdisciplinary organization for the study of the basic sciences and medical and therapeutic applications of subtle energies.
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine is leading the transformation of health care by training a new generation of health professionals and by empowering individuals and communities to optimize health and wellbeing through evidence-based, sustainable, integrative approaches.
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful uses of psychedelics and marijuana.
Psychedelics Today is the planetary leader in psychedelic education, media and advocacy.
What many might call “spiritual”, “mystical”, “energetic”, etc. experiences and effects, we refer to as emergent phenomena. The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium brings together clinical, scientific and spiritual paradigms to improve clinical outcomes.
To Purchase Books and DVDs:
Amazon.com sells almost all of Bragdon’s books in ebook and softcover version as well as documentary films.
To Register for Brazil Seminar:
To visit Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and community centers. This seminar is specifically for Healthcare Professionals to meet Spiritist MDs and other practitioners and learn about their work:
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Valued Allies:
Peter Fenwick, MD
gives a 17 minute interview on near death experiences and life beyond the physical. Dr. Fenwick is a delightful English neuro-psychiatrist who wrote “The Art of Dying” with his wife, Elizabeth Fenwick.
David Lukoff, PhD and Cassandra Vieten
Spiritual Competency Academy courses focus on spiritually oriented and alternative therapeutic approaches. They enhance cultural sensitivity and improve Internet skills while meeting CE requirements for psychologists, social workers, MFTs, and nurses. Spirituality is now accepted as an important component of cultural competence for mental health professionals. Our resources include online courses, audio-visual resources, and articles.
To Learn More About Spiritist Therapies for Health
International Spiritist Medical Association
AME sponsors excellent conferences in Europe, the USA, and Brazil that are geared for health professionals and students.
The United States Medical Spiritist Association
They offer a conference in the USA once every two years, and a newsletter. The conference is geared to students and healthcare professionals.
To Learn More About Research in Consciousness Studies
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Dean Radin, PhD.: Researcher
A non-profit research, education, and membership organization whose mission is supporting individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, educational outreach, and engaging a global learning community in the realization of our human potential.
Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies
Director: Alan Wallace, PhD.
An institute dedicated to the highest standards of research and education concerning the nature and potentials of consciousness.
Contact Us
For Spiritual Alliances,LLC
Go to EmmaBragdon.com
For The Foundation for Energy Therapies, Inc. dba Integrative Mental Health University
Go to: IMHU.org
8 Clough Ave, Windsor, VT. 05089 USA
Phone: 802-674-2919
Email: [email protected]
Special thanks to John Paul Polk for his exquisite vesica pisces design. We are grateful for his permission to use it in our logo. View his work here.
© 2023 Emma Bragdon, PhD. All Rights Reserved
Website by: SageTurtle Design
Vesica Pisces Artwork by: SacredAscension.com